Know the Things You Can Never Unsee 

The phrase “you can never unsee” often refers to experiences or images that leave a lasting impression, whether shocking, disturbing or simply unexpected. Such moments can linger in our minds, sometimes becoming stories we share with others or even subtly shaping our perceptions. From unsettling images to surprising truths, here are some examples of things you can never unsee.

The Hidden Messages in Logos

Many logos contain hidden elements or subliminal messages that, once noticed, can change how you see them forever. For instance, the arrow in the FedEx logo is cleverly embedded between the “E” and the “X,” symbolizing speed and precision. Another example is the Toblerone logo, which features a hidden bear within the mountain, representing the Swiss city of Bern, known as the “City of Bears.” Once you spot these hidden details, you can’t help but notice them every time you see the logo.

Optical Illusions

Optical illusions are designed to trick the eye, often presenting images that can be seen in multiple ways. A famous example is the “young woman or old lady” illusion, where the image can be interpreted as either a young woman looking away or an old lady with a large nose. Once you’ve seen both interpretations, looking at the image without flipping between the two perspectives becomes impossible. Optical illusions play with our perception, and once you understand the trick, you can never unsee it.

Disturbing Facts About Food Production

Many people prefer not to think too deeply about where their food comes from, but learning about specific practices in food production can be an eye-opener that you can never unsee. For example, seeing footage of how factory farms operate, including the cramped and inhumane conditions in which animals are often kept, can be shocking. Similarly, documentaries that reveal the environmental impact of industrial farming, such as deforestation and pollution, can leave a lasting impression, making you more conscious of your grocery store choices.

Unexpected Animal Behavior

Animals often exhibit behaviors that can be surprising, unsettling, or even humorous. Witnessing a praying mantis devouring its mate after mating is a brutal reminder of nature’s sometimes harsh realities. Similarly, seeing a snake swallow its prey whole can be a jarring image that sticks with you. These moments offer a glimpse into the raw, unfiltered side of the animal kingdom that can be difficult to forget.

The True Scale of the Universe

Learning about the vastness of the universe can be both awe-inspiring and deeply unsettling. Like the Hubble Deep Field, images from space telescopes reveal thousands of galaxies in a tiny patch of sky, each containing billions of stars. Realizing just how small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of the cosmos is a perspective-altering moment that you can never unsee. It challenges our understanding of our place in the universe and can lead to existential reflections long after the initial discovery.

Distorted Realities in Social Media

Social media platforms are filled with images that have been filtered, edited, and curated to present an idealized version of life. Once you become aware of how pervasive these distortions are, it can be challenging to view social media content the same way again. Recognizing the gap between online portrayals and reality can be eye-opening, making you more critical of the content you consume and more aware of its impact on your self-perception and mental health.

The Impact of War and Poverty

Images of war, poverty, and human suffering are the most powerful things you can never unsee. Photographs of conflict zones, refugee crises, and impoverished communities capture the harsh realities that many people face daily. These images can evoke strong emotions and often stay with you, reminding you of the world’s inequalities and the importance of empathy and action.


There are moments in life when we encounter something that fundamentally changes how we see the world. Whether it’s an unsettling image, a surprising truth, or a new perspective, these experiences leave a lasting mark. While some things you can never unsee may be disturbing, they can also serve as powerful catalysts for change, prompting reflection, awareness, and even action. In a world of distractions, these unforgettable moments remind us of the deeper realities that often lie beneath the surface.